My Projects


Forkify App

Final Project from Jonas Schmedtmann's "The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: From Zero to Expert!" Course on The app pulls from the Forkify API. Allows users to search for recipes, modify serving amounts, and even create and delete user-recipes with an API key.

React / Full-Stack

Today I learned

"Today I Learned" is a full-stack application that uses React for the front-end and connects to the SupaBase database. Users can read and share credible facts with the source link, sort by fact category, and vote on whether the fact was interesting, mind-blowing, or incorrect. "Today I Learned" is fully responsive for phones and tablets!

HTML, CSS, Python, and More

more to come!

As I continue to dive deeper into the fascinating world of tech, I’m thrilled to let you know that there’s a lot more in store on the project front!

With every line of code I write, every bug I squash, and every design element I refine, I’m not just building projects—I’m honing my skills and mastering my craft. And you know what that means? Yup, you guessed it! More awesome projects are on the way!

So, buckle up and stay tuned, because this journey of learning and growth is just getting started. The future is bright, and I can’t wait to share it with all of you!